Music and Worship


9:30 am-Contemporary Worship Sunday School 11:00 am-Traditional Worship Sunday School

music and worship

Contemporary Worship Songs
Enjoy these songs of Worship we sing in our contemporary services with an Apple Music account!


Our Contemporary Service begins at 9:30 am on Sunday, and is led by the worship team (comprised of singers accompanied by keyboards, guitars, and drums). We sing a wide range of worship songs from artists such as Shane and Shane, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, The Gettys, Phil Wickham, and more!

Our Traditional Service begins at 11:00 am on Sunday, and is led by our Choir accompanied by piano and organ. We sing the time-honored hymns of the faith.

Each of our worship services are designed to help us meet God and respond to Him in praise and adoration. We invite you to join us!

Get Involved! 


Rehearsals are Tuesday Evening at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
This team leads worship during our (9:30 am) Contemporary Worship Service each Sunday morning. Singers and instrumentalists (guitars, bass, percussion, drums, keyboard, and others) can audition to be part of our team. Contact Danny for more info!


Rehearsals are on Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
Our Sanctuary Choir leads worship in our Sunday morning (11:00 am) Traditional Worship Service. Participate in a seasonal (spring, summer, fall) or a year-round basis to provide music for worship services, musicals, presentations, special events, and special praise and worship services. This is a group of people brought together through a love of singing, creating a bond of love through prayer and praise. Musical gifts bring the congregation to the very throne of grace each week through diligent dedication, prayer, and a love of music. The group is open to all interested singers. Contact Danny for more info!


Rehearsals are on Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
If you play or have played a musical instrument in the past, there are opportunities for playing in our seasonal orchestra that provides accompaniment for Worship Services, Christmas and Easter choral events. This group is open to middle/high school band students and adults with instrumental experience. Contact Danny for more info!


Rehearsals are on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Choir Room.
This group of senior adult singers ministers to those in our local retirement homes. From time to time, we will also lead in our 11:00 worship services. This group is open to anyone that would like to minister in this capacity. Contact Danny for more info!


Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 6:15 pm.
We have a fully-graded preschool and children’s choir ministry. Our preschool choir is for ages 2-K and they learn songs and sing praises. Our Kid's Choir is for grades 1-5. They meet every Wednesday night to sing, learn spiritual and musical concepts, and prepare Christmas and spring musicals as well as songs for worship services. Contact us for more information!


This team of technology-minded people provides audio, lighting, video, media, and broadcast support for both Worship Services. Some computer, audio, and video experience is helpful, but not required. Training will be provided! If you are interested and would like to consider serving on this team, please contact Joe Sinclair.

Contact us!

Danny Poyner, Minister of Music and Worship
Office: 919.779.0434 ext. 230

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