

9:30 am-Contemporary Worship Sunday School 11:00 am-Traditional Worship Sunday School

Aversboro Preschool

First Time

We are so glad that you are interested in our Preschool ministry. On Sunday mornings we have developmentally appropriate Bible lessons for your child. When you arrive on our campus, there will be greeters at each door available to help you find the appropriate class for each of your children. Please enter at our Carport entrance door, where you will be greeted and Checked-In. 

We divide classes based on age: Babies, One's-Two’s, Three's-FIve's. If your child turns a different age during the Sunday school year, we do not promote them until the next Sunday school year. 

Sunday Morning

We use Bible Studies for Life & The Gospel Project studies on Sunday Mornings for our families because it take kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Kids will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that changes everything. We use The Gospel Project for our Small Groups & Preschool worship program on Sunday's.

Care, Safety, and Security

We realize that every child is unique and sometimes that means unique needs. We understand that some of these unique needs encompass many areas physically, emotionally, and socially. All of our volunteers and paid staff have completed background checks and training. Our staff and leaders are Infant/Child CPR and First Aid Certified.

We use our Electronic Safe Check-In system where you will check-in at the station before dropping your child off in their classroom. The Preschool Check-In is located in the hallway of the Carport Entrance Door. Here you will get a nametag to go on your child's back and a security tag that you will keep and present to your child's teacher when picking up your child. This is a safety and security measure we have in place to keep your kids safe. If you have a Baby, One year old, or Two year old you will be given a vibrating pager. If your child becomes sick during a session we will notify you immediately through this pager. If your child becomes upset we will attempt to console them and will notify you if necessary.

Weekly Activities

9:30am & 11:00am - Preschool small groups, kid-focused worship, games, crafts, and intentional gospel activities!

Wednesdays (Sept. - May): 

6:15-7:00pm- Recreation & Snack time

7:15-7:45pm - Bible, Song, & Crafts

7:45-8:00pm- Games and closing time. (Parents are welcome to pick up their child during this time).

Special Events

We have lots of events for your preschooler including Parents Night Out, Easter Egg Hunts, Preschool FUN days, and more! Click here to find out information about special events for preschoolers and kids!

Plan your visit