

9:30 am-Contemporary Worship Sunday School 11:00 am-Traditional Worship Sunday School

Sunday Small Groups

College students, Young Adults, Singles, Couples of all ages, and Senior Adults—we have a small group just for you! These small groups are designed to connect people with others who are in the same walk of life so that they can grow in their relationship with Christ together. These groups meet on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. These are on-going groups that are generally organized around age, family situation, or stages in life or a combination of all three. Small groups are a great way to build relationships and walk through life with a group of believers just like you. We would love for you to join us for Small Group Bible Study this week. Contact Us to discover a small group for you!

Discipleship Bible Studies

These are also known as Discipleship Small Groups.  The time varies according to the study.  Some meet for four or five weeks and some are longer - lasting twelve weeks or more.  Our Discipleship Team and Pastors design a curriculum and select topics of study to help equip new believers to grow into fully devoted followers of Christ.  A variety of topical studies are designed to help meet the various needs of our church community.  In almost all cases, each study will provide a workbook that involves the learner in daily readings and activities.  Many of these studies are video-driven and highly discussion-oriented. Whenever possible, the resources are provided at a reduced cost to the participants. We invite you to join us for one of these powerful studies as we learn how to follow Christ with all of our hearts! Contact Us to learn more about current studies that are available!

Want More Information on a Small Group?

Please complete this short form below and we will contact you & share about our current and upcoming studies.  We look forward to getting to know you better!


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