MISSION ROMANIA 2025Szekelyhid, Romania (RO25-30)August 29 - September 7, 2025
Baptists on Mission (BOM), in partnership with Hungarian Baptist Aid, have worked with Hungarian-speaking Roma (Gypsy) people of Central Eastern Europe since 2008. 2014 saw the expansion of this work into three countries, Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine, as God has opened new doors of opportunity. North Carolina Baptist teams have shared the love of Jesus with the Roma communities through medical clinics, vacation bible school, outreach events, and evangelistic services. In 2014, our first teams were able to work in the Hungarian public schools to provide English bible camps in areas where there is little to no evangelistic witness.
In 2025, Aversboro will send a team for a third year to partner with the church in Romania through VBS, Adult Bible Studies, Worship, and Community Ministries.
From: Friday, August 29, 2025
To: Sunday, September 7, 2025
A $250 deposit is due at the time of registration - you may choose to pay by check - Payable to Aversboro Road Baptist Church
The trip price is approximately $2200 - $2500 per participant (based on airfare costs; the final price is determined after tickets are secured). The price includes round-trip airfare, insurance, in-country transportation, lodging, most meals, and orientation materials.
Event Contact
Aversboro Team Leader
Joe Sinclair