Online Bible Study


9:30 am-Contemporary Worship Sunday School 11:00 am-Traditional Worship Sunday School


RightNow Media is a discipleship resource for individuals, families, and small group leaders with thousands of videos with content from over 100 other major Christian publishers and ministries that can enhance your personal growth. RightNow Media has videos for everyone—kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals—all designed to help you engage with the scriptures. We are excited to be able to provide this resource to you and your family for free! Learn more as you create your own account!

This account is intended only for people who are affiliated with Aversboro Road Baptist Church. For example a pastor, member, regular attendee, student, employee, parent, spouse, etc. You will be asked to affirm that you are affiliated with Aversboro Road Baptist Church when you signup!

Daily Bible Reading Plan

Let's read thru this Bible this year! Download the Daily Bible Reading Plan. Digging into the word is an important aspect of Christian life and this plan will help you read through the Bible in an organized way!


YouVersion is a free Bible App for your phone, tablet, and computer. YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible that brings God's Word into your daily life! With YouVersion, you will have God's Word at your fingertips everywhere! Our staff uses YouVersion!

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