

9:30 am-Contemporary Worship Sunday School 11:00 am-Traditional Worship Sunday School

Sermons online

Missed a Sunday or couldn't write your notes fast enough this past Sunday? Check out past sermons from our Lead Pastor Dr. Jeffrey Sholar and guest speakers.


Prayer is an integral part of the Christian life and we provide ways to help guide your prayers. Check this page for online daily resources and a link to our prayer guide for each month. You will also find a way to submit a prayer request and our Pastoral leadership team will be in prayer for you.

Online bible study

Are you looking to dig deeper into your Christian walk? We have resources such as RightNow Media, YouVersion and more that are available to help guide you in your studies.

Connect online

Sign up for our Realm church community online. This is a tool we use to connect you with members, groups, and events happening here at Aversboro. Sign up or update your account today!

Ways to serve

Are you looking to serve something bigger than yourself? We want to encourage you to use your gifts and talents to serve our church, state, and world. Find out more information about how the process works and complete a short form. One of our pastors or staff will be in contact with you soon.

Plan your visit